日傘を含む2969の商品はcreemaで購入することができます。日傘は複数出品していますのでお好みの猫の柄を探してくださいね。柄のセミオーダーのご依頼は実店舗、インスタグラム、イベント会場でのみ承ります。 All 2969 products, including parasols, are available on creema. We have several parasols and please find your favorite cat pattern.
日傘の利点 Advantages of using parasols
① 日焼けの防止 紫外線をカットし、日焼けを防ぐことでシミやソバカスができにくくなります。特に裏生地の黒いものは地面からの照り返しも防ぐことができるため、日焼け対策に効果的です。 Prevention of sunburn. it prevents the formation of spots and freckles by blocking ultraviolet rays and preventing sunburn. In particular, We also would like to mention that using parasol with a black lining is very effective in preventing sunburn and ultraviolet rays, as it can also prevent reflected light from the ground.
② 熱中症対策 日傘が作る日影は涼しく感じます。直射日光を遮るだけで体感温度は驚くほど違います。日傘で日除けをすることによって肌表面の温度は上がりにくくなります。熱中症対策にはとても有効です。 measures against heat stroke The shade created by a parasol feels much cooler. Simply blocking direct sunlight makes a surprising difference in the temperature you feel. Having a sunshade with a parasol will reduce the rise of temperature on your skin surface. Very effective in preventing heat stroke.
③ ファッション性 上記のようなメリットに加えて、2969の日傘は猫の版画を専門とする版画家・雅徳の細密版画を基にした個性あふれる猫がプリントされています。 Fashionable. In addition to the above advantages, the parasols produced by 2969 are printed with unique cats based on the fine prints of Japanese printmaker Gatoku, specialized in cat print.
International shipping is also available if you purchase from creema. We hope you will use our cat-print parasols in your country as well. Thank you very much.
All 2969 products, including parasols, are available on creema.
We have several parasols and please find your favorite cat pattern.
Advantages of using parasols
① 日焼けの防止
Prevention of sunburn.
it prevents the formation of spots and freckles by blocking ultraviolet rays and preventing sunburn. In particular, We also would like to mention that using parasol with a black lining is very effective in preventing sunburn and ultraviolet rays, as it can also prevent reflected light from the ground.
② 熱中症対策
measures against heat stroke
The shade created by a parasol feels much cooler. Simply blocking direct sunlight makes a surprising difference in the temperature you feel. Having a sunshade with a parasol will reduce the rise of temperature on your skin surface. Very effective in preventing heat stroke.
③ ファッション性
In addition to the above advantages, the parasols produced by 2969 are printed with unique cats based on the fine prints of Japanese printmaker Gatoku, specialized in cat print.
International shipping is also available if you purchase from creema. We hope you will use our cat-print parasols in your country as well. Thank you very much.